Mobile App Questionnaire

Boost Your Business with High-Quality Mobile Applications Lebanon: Mobile App Questionnaire

In order to prepare to build you a great mobile app, we need some basic information concerning your needs. Please answer the questions with as much detail as possible and skip any questions that are not applicable to your situation.


    Are you interested in a mobile application or mobile website?

    Mobile AppMobile Website (responsive website)

    If Mobile app, Would you want us to design a new app or modify an existing one?

    New AppModify our Existing App)

    If you already have an app, please provide the details:

    Have you worked with a technology team before? If so what did they do well and what do you feel they needed improvement on? Did you find it easy to work with them?

    What is the primary purpose of your mobile app? How will this app add value to your business?

    What goals do you want your users to achieve from your mobile app?


    What device(s) is the application expected to work on?

    iPhoneiPadAndroid PhoneAndroid TabletOther

    Do you want to have a separate layout for the tablet and phone?

    YesNo, app will run in compatibility modeNot sure

    What devices do you (or your team) personally own?

    Do you want us to do all the design?

    Yes, we want you to do the graphic workNo, we have a designer who will provide you the designs we want

    Do you have any opinions specifically for color, theme and style?

    Do you have an app icon or logo already? Do you want us to design the logo or app icon for you?

    Do you want your app portrait or landscape or both?


    Please provide links to any app which has similar features/functionality as your app? These could be direct competition or in a similar industry.

    Which apps do you personally like and why?

    Do you have any UI/UX layout designs, prototypes or documentation?

    What screens are you envisioning in the app?


    Please specify the app type:

    Business to Customer (B2C)Business to Business (B2B)Business to Enterprise (B2E)

    What is your target market?


    What age is your target audience?

    Less than 30 Years30­-40 Years40­-50 YearsMore than 50 Years

    How many users will be using this app in first 3 months?

    What are you plans to proactively promote your app?

    Advertise on your websiteEmail campaignsSEO/SEMOther


    What are the primary features for the app?

    What are the secondary features for the app?

    If you have a website, should this app mirror your website functionality?


    Is this app multilingual or only in English?


    Does the app require User Authentication? or can anybody install and use it?

    Required AuthenticationAnybody install and useOther

    Would you like to include any device feature with your apps? Please select/list the features you want.

    Camera IntegrationGPSFile ManagerPhoto GalleryPush Notifications-MapsText MessagingWeb BrowserPhone Call IntegrationQR Code/BarCode IntegrationOther

    Does the app need to integrate with Social Media platforms?

    Single Sign On (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+ etc.)SMMShare

    Is the app commercial or free?


    Does the app include in­-app purchases?


    Will it be a dynamic or static app?

    Dynamic (content changes)Static (content doesn’t change)

    If dynamic, where does the content come from?

    Web Admin PortalThird Party Service like GoogleOther

    Would you like us to develop a web admin portal to update the content of app or do you have that already?

    How frequently will you provide new content to your users?

    DailyWeeklyMonthlyOngoingQuarterlyOnly Once


    Do you require the code be native or can a cross platform tool/framework be used?

    NativeHybrid (like Sencha Touch or PhoneGap)Don’t Know/No Preference

    List out the Operating System you want this app to be launched


    Does this app need to support backward compatibility? If yes which older versions do you want this app to support (Android/iOS)

    Web Services

    Do you already have web services in place?

    YesNoDon’t Know

    If yes, please provide the link where we can obtain this information?

    If yes, please provide the link where we can obtain this information?

    What web services do you have and what is the technology used for them?


    Do the web services connect with the database? Or, are you fetching data from any third party services.

    If connected with the database which database has been used?


    If you wish for ITH to build the web services to connect to your databases, do you have any preferences to the web service we build?

    App Connectivity

    Do you want this to work without internet connection (offline mode) and sync the data when connection is restored.


    Which screens are you envisioning to work in offline mode?

    Security Does the information on the app need to be transferred securely?



    What kind of reporting will you like to set up for the app?

    Do you want any reporting within the Web Admin portal?


    Do you want to publish the app for both iOS and Android on the same date?

    YesNoDon't Care

    Do you want to publish the app in the limited geographical area? If yes, list out countries.

    Do you have a developer account to publish the app for each platform? If yes, please share the details.

    Apple Developer AccountGoogle Play Developer Account

    Maintenance Are you interested in a monthly maintenance plan which will keep your app current?


    Timeline & Budget

    Live Date: When is your target date for your app to be live and operational?

    Note :Apple Store generally takes 5­10 days to publish the app.

    Decision Date: When do you plan to make a decision about hiring us to design your mobile app?

    What is your target budget for this project? This will ensure we do not implement non­affordable features into your mobile App.


    What communication tool do you prefer?

    SkypeGoogle HangoutGotomeetingJoin.meOther

    Who in your organization will we be communicating with? In order for communication to be efficient we prefer to receive instructions and feedback from only one person.

    Please provide the contact info for this person (Email, Phone, etc)

    What collaboration tools do you prefer to use with us?

    Google DocsBasecampWrikeActiveCollabAsanaOtherI do not have a preference


    Do you want us to host your app services (web services) on our account?


    If you do not want us to host your app services, please describe the type of server you will be using?


    Are you using any code repository tool or do you have any preference?

    GITSVNVSSOtherI don’t know

    If Push notification needed for iOS: Does your hosting have PORT 2195, 2196 open for push notification?

    YesNoI can have it openedI don't know


    Please provide us any additional information here